Feel Inspired

Live an Inspired life

“As long as you feel inspired, your life is being well spent”.

When taking stock of our lives, looking at how we spend [or have spent]our time comes up. Sometimes it’s by our own choosing, other times it’s because we are being questioned by those around us. Questions like “What have you been up to? What do you do with your time? Do you feel inspired? Are you inspiring others?”.

In my own case, I am trying to live a life where I can inspire and uplift others. Either from my words, through my art, or by my actions. To put a smile on someone’s face, and brighten their day if they are feeling down. Some day’s are easier to get through than others. I know this better than most…and that sometimes just surviving “a day” can be my greatest accomplishment that day/week/month…

My latest “accomplishment” is that I’ve been working on a project of scanning in a TON of old family photographs. There’s HUNDREDS of them literally! I’ve scanned and repaired nearly 700 and still not at the end of the stack. It’s fun seeing the antique photos and reliving my own childhood memories but I will be glad when this project is done. After scanning so many it feels like there is no end in sight for this suitcase full of photos I inherited.

Snow storm lexi is gone, and now we are onto snow storm mars…we had less than 2 days between storms. 0.o I got sucked into watching the hand eggball game aka SuperBowl50 last night…ugh absolutely hate american football…or watching/listening to any sports on the telly for that matter. [Politics too while we are at it] so I ignored 99% of it and paid more attention to instagram and other social media.

Anyway I hope you are living an Inspired Life and living life to the fullest that your heart desires.

This item can be purchased in my etsy shop

Free Spirits Must Forge Ahead

Some inspiration to keep us moving forward…

Free Spirits

In my part of the world we slowly move towards spring. Some are digging out of the snow, while others are experiencing a deluge of rain.

Meditation through art can guide us to a better place. The inspiration for this couldn’t have come at a better time. I funneled some feelings I have been working through and turned them into something positive. 🙂

Take care, look after each other, and be well. I am grateful for each and everyone of you everyday.


Planting Day


“I plant joy, peace, and love everywhere!”

This is the second version of this, the first [completely different design] wasn’t “very good” according to my other half, alls well I guess because then it encountered a mishap when some India ink blobs fell onto it..sigh.  Speaking of India ink, I’ve been testing different media recently… I dislike this particular batch of pre-cut greeting card paper I used for this drawing. It’s basically only good for plain inked illustration and line work, calligraphy, and very light washes.

Then there’s the “tooth” issue as well, it makes blending a challenge and prevents scanned images from scanning well…too many shadows and the quality isn’t as good.  I hate the thought of wasting resources and money, so I’ll continue to use them up, and repurpose the paper for other ideas.

I’m loving the new drawing mediums I picked up a few weeks ago…soft lead core colored pencils and water soluble pastel crayons, I can’t wait to try them out on better paper. My old tombow colored pencils had a hard lead core and would not blend well and it drove me batty.

I learned recently about the “Drawlloween” and “InkTober” drawing challenges, since we are already a few days in I’ll have to make a note in my calendar to perhaps try next year as its sounds pretty cool. Completely out of my normal style so it would definitely be a challenge.  On that note I’ve been challenging myself to try to improve my work. I feel like I can keep doing better and I’m not giving up. I’ve been hunkering down and learning new techniques to apply. For all the likes I know there’s going to be haters and rejection. I was invited to show at a local craft faire unfortunately the cost and the timing aren’t great.

I’ve been dealing with some things on the personal front and working through those challenges, frustrations, and losses [of death and jobs].  Pumpkin spice latte’s help ;), beautiful sunsets, drawing, and writing. I feel like I am at a crossroads…what I want to do and what currently pays the bills are two different things. One makes me miserable but at least I would have a roof over my head, the other brings me great joy but at this juncture doesn’t pay well enough to even buy a consistent tank of petrol…so I’m looking into what my options are…trying ever so desperately to avoid having to go back to work for the vampire’s [soul sucking corporations who don’t care about me] again. I want to be able to do something creative and work for myself, so we’ll see where life’s path takes me.