Night Dancer

Night Dancer

“The Universe Is Inside All Of Us”.

I’ve been interested in the universe i.e. outer space ever since I was a kid looking through telescopes with my dad, going to the science museum, watching science and space related shows. The universe and space has been on my mind lately and I decided to incorporate it into my work. I wish the scanned piece [above] showed the full ombre effect transitions of purples to blues to green like the photo [below] but alas technology does at times have its drawbacks. Even when I tried to change the levels, brightness, contrast, saturation etc.. I just could not get the effect to come through in the on screen vs the physical item. There were several steps involved for this piece, the hardest part was waiting during the drying processes in between each new layer or element being added.

I discovered a new [to me] album that I’ve had on repeat, My Fear and Me  by [the now defunct group] BIRD. I was all set to start looking up more of their work when I found out they are no longer together. Oh well, at least this one disc is pretty epic. Especially if you are into indie/gothy rock from the UK. Think dark ethereal music with hauntingly beautiful vocals. My favorite track is “A war”.

And on the theme of recommendations… currently I am reading The Faerie Guardian [Book 1 of The Creepy Hollow Series] by Rachel Morgan, and Night Study from the [Study Series] by Maria V. Snyder. I finished reading Staked  [Iron Druid Chronicles] by Kevin Hearne and Dark Heart of Magic [Black Blade Series] by Jennifer Estep. I’m glad that the Game of Thrones season is back. I won’t give away any spoilers, but I can’t wait for the next episode and I’ll let it at that.


This item can be purchased in my etsy shop

Feel Inspired

Live an Inspired life

“As long as you feel inspired, your life is being well spent”.

When taking stock of our lives, looking at how we spend [or have spent]our time comes up. Sometimes it’s by our own choosing, other times it’s because we are being questioned by those around us. Questions like “What have you been up to? What do you do with your time? Do you feel inspired? Are you inspiring others?”.

In my own case, I am trying to live a life where I can inspire and uplift others. Either from my words, through my art, or by my actions. To put a smile on someone’s face, and brighten their day if they are feeling down. Some day’s are easier to get through than others. I know this better than most…and that sometimes just surviving “a day” can be my greatest accomplishment that day/week/month…

My latest “accomplishment” is that I’ve been working on a project of scanning in a TON of old family photographs. There’s HUNDREDS of them literally! I’ve scanned and repaired nearly 700 and still not at the end of the stack. It’s fun seeing the antique photos and reliving my own childhood memories but I will be glad when this project is done. After scanning so many it feels like there is no end in sight for this suitcase full of photos I inherited.

Snow storm lexi is gone, and now we are onto snow storm mars…we had less than 2 days between storms. 0.o I got sucked into watching the hand eggball game aka SuperBowl50 last night…ugh absolutely hate american football…or watching/listening to any sports on the telly for that matter. [Politics too while we are at it] so I ignored 99% of it and paid more attention to instagram and other social media.

Anyway I hope you are living an Inspired Life and living life to the fullest that your heart desires.

This item can be purchased in my etsy shop

Free Spirits Must Forge Ahead

Some inspiration to keep us moving forward…

Free Spirits

In my part of the world we slowly move towards spring. Some are digging out of the snow, while others are experiencing a deluge of rain.

Meditation through art can guide us to a better place. The inspiration for this couldn’t have come at a better time. I funneled some feelings I have been working through and turned them into something positive. 🙂

Take care, look after each other, and be well. I am grateful for each and everyone of you everyday.


Fearless Doodle


“Be free from fear, be fearless, and have faith in the divine.”

I have to remind myself that sometimes we just have to resign our selves to let go of our fears, our worries or botherations, and have faith in the divine that it will all work out.

Thursday and Friday were festivals in the Hindu culture, in short known as Gowri and Ganesha festival. We celebrate them annually, and this year Gowri Festival was on Thursday Aug 25, and Ganesh Chaturthi was Friday Aug 26. We held a small puja to honor the gods. I thought it seemed fitting to have this weeks doodle /Sunday Scribbles to have a quote reminding us to let go, and have faith in the universe.

mixed media:
watercolor, ink, digital

Alberta Rockies [Canada]


“When you arise in the morning,
think of what a privilege it is to be alive:
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love”. – Marcus Aurelius.

This was painted on another one of those “blue days” that are hard to get through. This quote was like a mantra for me that day. I kept telling myself what a privilege life is, and reminded myself of all the things I have to be grateful for. Its about doing what I can to survive.